Journal of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry (JIRD®)
CE Articles: 2 Credits
Dental Clinical Articles
The editorial philosophy of the Journal of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry (JIRD) is to present timely, clinically relevant information focused on implant and reconstructive therapies in a practical format, to enhance clinical practice.

Treatment Guidelines for Aesthetic Implant Therapy
Authors(s): Carl Drago, DMD, MS†
Thorough and accurate diagnoses are essential for providing optimal, state-of-the-art dental treatments that have predictable prognoses and long-term clinical success.
- Over the past 40 years, osseointegrated dental implants have proven to be a clinically successful treatment for edentulous and partially edentulous patients.

Guidelines for Implant Overdenture Treatment with Standard or Narrow Diameter Implants
Authors(s): Michael D. Scherer, DMD, MS†
Debate exists over whether standard or narrow diameter dental implants should be used for implant overdenture therapy.
- This article reviews the characteristics of each, principles relating to the use of standard or narrow diameter implants, and indications for each type.

Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Peri-Implant Health
Authors(s): Anita Daniels, RDH††, Carl Drago, DDS, MS†† & Ronnie J. Goené, DMD†
Long-term success and patient satisfaction with dental implant restorations depend on proper maintenance and daily follow-up care by the patient, as well as professional care at intervals to be determined clinically.
- Otherwise, biofilm formation may result in peri-implant mucositis, which is etiologically similar to gingivitis in the natural dentition and is reversible with appropriate care.