Designed for Surgical and Restorative Aesthetics and Efficiency

  • Easy, efficient and proven Encode technology with contemporary emergence profile designs, intuitive codes and pink matte appearance.
  • Eliminate the healing abutment and impression coping or scan body swapping process, while delivering soft tissue healing with natural emergence profile.
  • Patients have a better experience and a beautiful aesthetic outcome as compared to traditional procedures with impression copings.


Benefits for the Patient

  • Comfort: There is no need to use impression copings, resulting in a less invasive impression procedure for improved patient comfort.
  • Fewer Visits: The intraoral scan can be taken by the specialist at the surgical release visit, eliminating a restorative appointment and resulting in less visits to the dentist’s office compared to traditional procedures.
  • Aesthetic Outcomes: Abutments designed specifically for the patient's anatomy, for better aesthetic outcomes compared to traditional non-digital procedures.


Customized Restorative Solutions 

Workflow Options


Additional Information

Customer Service & Technical Support

At ZimVie Dental, our focus is always on you. Priority attention is the hallmark of our service commitment, and we stand ready to offer you an unprecedented level of service and personalized solutions.